Monday, April 7, 2008

How to send CTRL + ALT + DEL to Remote Desktop ?

How to send CTRL + ALT + DEL to Remote Desktop?
You cannot!! You must use CTRL+ALT+END

Case: You want to kill an errant process or application, running on remote server. You are connected to remote server using Windows Remote desktop connection. To Kill a application or process, you pressed CTRL + ALT + DEL, in anticipation that it would bring Task manager ... but in vain. Task manager does start, but on local PC, not on Remote server.

WHY ……………….. ? ??

1. You cannot!! Read what Microsoft says " CTRL+ALT+DEL always goes to the local desktop. If you need to send CTRL+ALT+DEL to the remote computer, you must use CTRL+ALT+END"

Remember the Key Combination CTRL+ALT+DEL is intercepted by Windows OS, so it doesn’t get pass on to remote desktop, whether it is Windows inbuilt Remote desktop or Real VNC viewer client on windows PC.

2. There is another way to kill an errant application or process.

Click on START then RUN on remote desktop (or press WinKey +R)
Type Taskmgr.exe (Remember, it is not case sensitive)

The Task manager brings the familiar screen, from which you can kill the errant process or application.

What incase you are using Real VNC viewer

The life is simpler with Real VNC viewer.

2.1: In viewer's system menu, Click on the VNC icon which is at the top left of the viewer window. In this menu, you will see a option as "Send Ctrl-Alt-Del”. Use this to send these key combinations.

2.2: Use of Shift Key with CTRL + ALT + Del makes possible to send this key combination to remoter server. So use Shift+(C+A+D ) , and get the screen.

Happy CTRL + ALT + Del ing on remote desktop

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